so darling!!!
pictured: baby girl fabric (top of foot), brown ribbing fabric(bottom of foot), and hot pink fleece (ribbing)
if you would like to order this exact style Click Here
and tell me that you want the hot-pink, baby girl knee-highs
pictured above( navy/turquoise poka foot, grey fleece ribbing)
if you would like to order this exact design click here
and tell me you want the grey-turquoise polka knee-highs.
I also make some plain brown boots/knee-highs that look like baby boots.
Polar fleece lined socks to hold in warmth and knee high to keep the breeze out!
made with two layer: an outer knit and inner polar fleece.
(no-slip grips are by request only)
pick your own fabric by clicking here
new product special $6
or 2 for $10
name the most over priced item on my blog (made sure you look, because many of the prices have changed)
- list all of my items (nursing cover, socks, new extra warm socks, mittens, hats, and jingleball) and put a price with them that you think would be most reasonable.
display my button on your blog, and include your blog link either in the comment or e-mail to me by:clicking here
I will pick the winner by Firday, if you have won before you can always win again!!!!To order: click here
Hello again!
1. You have lowered all of your prices, so I don't think anything is overpriced. Considering the time it takes to make stuff, your prices are really good.
2. nursing cover 15-20, socks 2-4, new extra warm socks 5-6, mittens 2-4, hats 3-4, and jingleball 2-5.
4. I am planning on buying some stuff, I will comment later with my order. Thanks! kiss the baby for me!
Such cute things!
1. The $22 nursing covers (there are two of them) are a little high for me but the other nursing covers I think are priced right especially for the work and material needed.
2. nursing cover: $15-20, socks $3.50-4, new extra warm socks $4.50-6, mittens $3, hats $5, and jingleball $3-$4.50...although I think everything is has a really good price :-)
3. I am sorry I don't have a blog to post you on! But if you get a facebook link I will for sure become a fan!
Thanks Wendy!
1. the beanie. Honestly I wouldn't pay more than $2 for a plain beanie..unless it was one those crochet ones or something with an accessory..
2.nursing cover- $15-20 socks-$2-3 new extra warm socks-$5 mittens- $2-3 hats- $2-3 and jingleball- depending on size anywhere from $3-6, so baiscally what it already is...That isn't taking into account how long it takes you to make them either..because I dont know how long it takes you. You obviously cant sell stuff for $1 like Walmart because you dont have kids in china making stuff for you...which is a good thing anyways!
PS I love Broden's ball on the side thing..I can't wait to see it!!
I am visiting your blog through a giveaway over at Somewhat Simple. Your little coat infant/child coat is adorable and I love your nursing cover design. I like the fact that it covers behind so your back isn't exposed when sitting in an open chair or bench. Love it!
i was sent over from somewhat simple. i love your nursing covers! too cute!
1. Honestly...since you have lowered all of your prices I don't think anything is overpriced.
2. nursing cover $15, socks $2, new extra warm socks $5, mittens $2, hats $3, and jingleball $3.
3. I couldn't get the button to work but your blog address is on my family blog:
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